Monday, July 7, 2008

The arrival

Nie hao! I finally made it to Beijing! The flight from O'Hare to Shanghai gave Kelsey, Val, Jason, and I no trouble. We saw incredible views of Alaska, Siberia, and Japan. Our seven-hour layover in Shanghai hurt. Our troubles started when the four of us toppled over each other domino-style on the airport escalator, continued with the airport security not being able to find our names on the flight, and ended with a midnight taxi drive through sketchy city alleys. But we arrived at the International Center of the CUC and found our rooms cozy enough. Our bathrooms are so small you can shower while sitting on the toilet. Drawback or perk?

Today we all explored a bit of the city. We took the train to Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City, but the attractions were closed. Monday is the Chinese day of rest. However, many tourists still milled around the area. One Asian woman asked me (not in English) to let her take pictures of her children with me. I've always known I'm a dead ringer for Britney Spears ;)

Our internet connection is slow and spotty, but I hope to post daily. Miss you all at home!

the group at Tianamen Square

candy and food store


Marcus said...

ooo i am so jealous.
have fun with ur tiny bathroom :)
hope china treats u well

Anonymous said...

HaHa That's hilarious that you took a picture with some random people... It's like the time I told you about the Asian couple wanting a picture with me inside of Hollister! =D
I Love You.

I'm Cas. said...

Once upon a time my mom was single and in Hawaii and some random Asians kept coming up to her and taking pictures and going, "pic-pic!"

...just thought you should know. This has been going on at least 25 years.