Monday, August 25, 2008

The final forty-eight

In 48 hours I will stand on American ground. As much as I've come to love living in Beijing--I couldn't ask for a better summer--I get butterflies at the thought of returning home. I miss my family, my friends, my boyfriend, and I can't wait to hear about everything I've been missing in the US.

Thank you to everyone who read my blog and left me comments so I knew I wasn't just speaking into the wind. I hope that despite my often exhausted and hurried state when blogging, I shed at least some light on the Olympics, Beijing and life as a volunteer/student/journalist/China outsider/Olympic insider in the vibrant and changing land of China.

Now I'm ready to take off on another grand adventure--rediscovering America. Bathtubs? Refrigerators? Cheese? What are these things! While readjusting to these physical comforts of home should pose no problem, readjusting to American attitudes, lifestyles, habits and values may provide a shock. But I came to China to expand my knowledge of a culture and to try to understand the perspective of the Chinese, and I think I've succeeded. Even if I never have a chance to return to China again, I won't let the experiences I take back with me fade.

With love, nostalgia and anticipation,



researchman said...

You've had a great experience and I know you'll never forget it. Your blogs have been great and really kept me in touch with you throughout your trip (I read every one). See you soon.

delio said...

I know that this experience is a once in a life time event, yet it is always nice to come home.
Like you said earlier - China and her people will hold a different meaning and I am hopeful that despite the trials and tribulations, you will have a special place in your heart for China